About Us
PT ACube TIC International (sebelumnya PT AJA Sertifikasi Indonesia) didirikan sebagai perusahaan sertifikasi pada tahun 2012 dengan maksud dan tujuan membantu meningkatkan standar mutu dan sistem perusahaan di Indonesia, sehingga memungkinkan mereka untuk lebih bersaing secara efektif di pasar dunia. Kami adalah perwakilan untuk Indonesia dari A Cube TIC Limited Trading yang berkantor pusat di Inggris.
A Cube TIC Limited Trading adalah badan sertifikasi independen yang beroperasi dari jaringan kantor global yang menyediakan sertifikasi dan pelatihan pihak ketiga di tingkat lokal. Dengan kantor di seluruh dunia, A Cube TIC Limited Trading khususnya terkait dengan pemberian jasa audit sertifikasi dengan berbagai sertifikasi produk di bawah Standar ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
PT ACube TIC International (previously PT AJA Sertifikasi Indonesia) was established as a certification company in 2012 with the intent and purpose of helping to improve the quality standards and systems of companies in Indonesia, thus enabling them to more effectively compete on world markets. It is the Indonesian representative office of the A Cube TIC Limited Trading of companies headquartered in the U.K.
A Cube TIC Limited Trading is a uniquely independent certification body operating from a global network of offices providing third party certification and training services at the local level. With offices worldwide, the A Cube TIC Limited Trading is particularly associated with the provision of certification audit services with a wide range of product certification under the ISO Standards (International Organization for Standardization)
A Cube TIC Limited TradingĀ is an organization present in numerous countries worldwide, which holds multiple accreditations and awards through its companies. it operates through a network of local offices subject to management and coordination by the Group itself. The regional offices are in charge of assessing and ownership of the economic-financial relationships with the client organizations.
The Accreditation Bodies are all members of the MLA-International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
Participation in the MLA Agreements guarantees the competence and procedural rigor of the signing body and the uniformity of its mode of operation to that of the other signatory entities.
The attestations of conformity issued by Subjects accredited by Accreditation Bodies signing the MLA agreements are valid and credible, as they are subject to the control of a competent Accreditation Body.
Such attestations are equivalent to each other, universally accepted and recognized, since issued in a context of homogeneous rules and procedures.